Engaging Men in the Fight for Gender Justice: Building a More Inclusive Society

Gender justice is not an issue that solely concerns women; it is a societal imperative that requires the active involvement of all genders. VIAC, through its advocacy for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and promotion of pro-choice ideals, is dedicated to creating a more equitable society for everyone. Central to this mission is the engagement of men and boys in challenging harmful stereotypes, promoting positive masculinity, and dismantling the barriers to gender equality.

In the grand tapestry of gender equality, the role of men is often overlooked or misunderstood. Yet, their involvement is pivotal in dismantling patriarchal structures and fostering a more inclusive society. Engaging men in the fight for gender justice is not just about acknowledging their privilege but also about recognizing their potential as allies and advocates for change. In this blog post, we’ll explore why involving men is crucial, the challenges that arise, and strategies for building a more inclusive movement

Understanding the Importance

Gender justice isn’t solely a women’s issue; it affects everyone. Men, too, are impacted by gender norms and expectations that dictate how they should behave, express emotions, and navigate relationships. Patriarchal systems harm both men and women by perpetuating harmful stereotypes and limiting individual freedoms. Moreover, men hold significant power and influence in many spheres of society, including politics, business, and the media. By engaging men in the fight for gender justice, we tap into these networks and amplify our impact. Their voices carry weight in conversations where gender equality might otherwise be dismissed as a “women’s problem.”

Challenges and Barriers

Despite the benefits of involving men, there are significant challenges to overcome. One major obstacle is the fear of losing privilege. Some men may resist the idea of relinquishing power or changing their behavior because they perceive gender equality as a zero-sum game. They fear that advocating for women’s rights will somehow diminish their own status. Additionally, societal norms around masculinity can discourage men from engaging in discussions about gender justice. Concepts like stoicism, aggression, and dominance are often prized, making it difficult for men to express vulnerability or empathy. Breaking free from these norms requires a willingness to challenge deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors.

Strategies for Engagement

To effectively engage men in the fight for gender justice, we must employ a multifaceted approach that addresses both individual attitudes and systemic barriers.

  • Education and Awareness: Providing education about gender issues is essential for fostering empathy and understanding. Workshops, seminars, and online resources can help men recognize their privilege and understand how they contribute to gender inequality.
  • Promoting Positive Masculinity and creating safe spaces**: Instead of perpetuating toxic stereotypes, we should promote positive aspects of masculinity, such as empathy, compassion, and collaboration. Highlighting male role models who champion gender equality can inspire other men to follow suit.
  • Creating safe spaces :Men need safe spaces where they can discuss gender issues openly without fear of judgment or ridicule. Peer support groups, online forums, and workplace initiatives can provide opportunities for dialogue and reflection.
  • Leading by Example: Men in positions of power have a unique opportunity to lead by example. By advocating for gender-inclusive policies in the workplace, challenging sexist attitudes, and amplifying the voices of women and marginalized genders, they can drive meaningful change.
  • Collaborative Partnerships: Collaboration between men and women is key to building a more inclusive movement for gender justice. By working together, sharing resources, and leveraging each other’s strengths, we can create lasting change that benefits everyone.
VCAT session with young men and women in Bamenda on social stereotypes

Our initiative

Several initiatives around the world have successfully engaged men in the fight for gender justice. One notable example is the work VIAC has been doing so far.  Dedicated to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all individuals regardless of gender, a lot of effort has been put towards building a more inclusive and equitable society for people in communities in Cameroon especially the two crises affected region. there by promoting the concept of pro-choice. Through research, education, advocacy, and awareness-raising initiatives, we are empowering men and boys to be allies in the fight for gender justice. We have carried out a research That proves that men just like women gbv-against-men-a-neglected-phenomenon- go through gender based violence and as such laying more emphasis why boys and men should be involved in the fight against GBV not just for women but for themselves too. Again we have been able to involve and train boys as school and community champions for menstrual health management, giving the skills to help break down stigmas and myth that surround menstruation as well as become advocates for menstrual health management not just in schools but in communities as well. understanding that , achieving gender justice requires the active involvement of all genders, including men and boys. By challenging toxic masculinity, promoting positive masculinity, and engaging men as allies in the fight for gender equality, we have organized several campaigns and sensitization sessions often carrying on activities like value clarification and attitude transformation and using the gender transformative approach as well .our efforts have been immeasurable in so many communities across Cameroon ensuring gender treatment in all aspects.


Achieving gender justice requires the active involvement of all genders, including men and boys. Join us as we continue to break down barriers, challenge social norms, and building a world where all individuals have the right to make informed choices about their bodies, the sexuality and their health. Together, we can create a more equal and just society for a future empowered community. Let’s stand together in solidarity and strive towards a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their gender.

It is not just women supporting women, it is men supporting women and women supporting men.

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